Sunday, January 1, 2012

2012 Reading Challenge: The List

My goal for 2012 is 30 books. This will be a continuing list, where I will add to it as I either read a book not included on the list, or find more that I would like to read in 2012. After I have read a book, I will 'cross' it off the list. They will be in no particular order...and I may try to figure out how to put a link on my blog home page to the master List.

The Planned Books:
Finishing the Series
Janet Evanovich's Stephanie Plum Series (I started these when I worked at the tech college-we passed them around as we went. I ended on #12). I have numbers 13, 14, 15 & 16 in my library bag ready to be read.

The Jodi Picoult Project
I've actually read quite a few of her books already (and am currently reading one, which I started the last week in 2011 so it won't be on my 2012 list) and have enjoyed most. I'd like to finish reading all of her current novels.

Books I started but didn't finish...
Yea, I have a few of these on my bookcase. These are marked with an asterisk *. One has become a joke between my hubby and me because I started reading it before my daughter was born (she is 4 1/2). I just couldn't stay interested and moved on to other books. I even tried watching the movie while I was laid up waiting for the baby to come and had to shut it off. I am determined to finish it...someday.

I also have several books on my bookcase that I haven't started reading, but maybe I will. These are marked with a plus sign +.


The Reading List
1. Plum Lovin' (Janet Evanovich)
2. Lean Mean Thirteen (Janet Evanovich)
3. Plum Lucky (Janet Evanovich)
4. Fearless Fourteen (Janet Evanovich)
5. Plum Spooky (Janet Evanovich)
6. Finger Lickin' Fifteen (Janet Evanovich)
7. Sizzling Sixteen (Janet Evanovich)
8. Smokin' Seventeen (Janet Evanovich)
9. Explosive Eighteen (Janet Evanovich)
10. Songs of the Humpback Whale (Jodi Picoult)
11. Harvesting the Heart (Jodi Picoult)
12. Salem Falls (Jodi Picoult)
13. Second Glance (Jodi Picoult)
14. House Rules (Jodi Picoult)
15. Memoirs of a Geisha (Arthur Golden) *
16. Little Women (Louisa May Alcott) *
17. Pride and Prejudice (Jane Austen) *
18. Songs in Ordinary Time (Mary McGarry Morris) *
19. The Risk Pool (Richard Russo) *
20. A Wedding in December (Anita Shreve) *
21. Still Missing (Beth Gutcheon) *
22. Sula (Toni Morrison) *
23. Spoken from the Heart (Laura Bush) *
24. The Princes of Ireland (Edward Rutherfurd) +
25. All the Pretty Horses (Cormac McCarthy) +
26. A Walk in the Woods (Bill Bryson) +
27. Stones from the River (Ursula Hegi) +
28. Jonas of Kiivijarvi: Finnish Freedom Fighter (Leslie W. Wisuri) +
29. Robert Frost: Selected Poems +
30. Treasure in a Cornfield (Greg Hawley) +
31. Chicken Soup for the Mother's Soul +
32. Just Give Me a Little Piece of Quiet (Lorilee Craker) +
33. Blueberry Summers (Lawrence Berube) +
34. The Art of Mending (Elizabeth Berg)
35. River's Song (Melody Carlson)

Well, after adding the books on my bookcase TBR (to be read), plus a couple non-Janet Evanovich books that I picked up at the library the other list has already exceeded my goal. I can see there will be changes - either I will trade out reading some on my bookcase for library books (because I can't help but pick out something at the library) or I will surpass my goal. I'm thinking it'll be the first change. :-)

Ready...Set...oh yea, that's right - I need to finish that book I started in 2011.

Happy New Year!!!