Wednesday, August 15, 2012

An Overloaded Bundle of Emotions

Wow. We close on our house in 5 days. At 9:30am on Monday. So, by Sunday night we need to have everything moved out, since Monday morning won't allow us time.

It still doesn't feel completely real to me yet. Although when the piano movers came on Saturday morning to move my grandma's piano down to my parent's house (where it will be housed for now), things may have started to feel real. In the afternoon when I helped load up our big red comfy couch so it could be on its way to a  new home (we sold it), it continued to start to feel real.

But, I've been writing this post in my mind for DAYS, maybe WEEKS, and whenever I've sat down to 'write', I just can't do it. I'm feeling so many different emotions and trying to explain them just seems overwhelming. I'm just going to do my best here, not because I feel like I have to, but when I look back I want to remember how I felt going out. I may have to ramble a bit to get out what I really want to say, so please bear with me :-)

Moving is unfamiliar to me, in a way. I physically left my parent's nest when I was 22. In my mind I had already left, as I had been planning and preparing for when my friend T and I moved into an apartment I was all set as far as furniture, bathroom stuff, kitchen stuff, etc... We stayed for a year, and then after a pit stop at my parent's house for a couple weeks (at which time I met my now-husband for the first time) I moved into a townhouse that someone owned and was renting a room at. I found it through a website and the funny part was that she used to come to my mom's daycare when we were young - we had been friends way back then. She also graduated the same year as my older brother. It was perfect! It was a great place to live, and A was an awesome room mate (as was T!). My next move came when S and I bought our current house. I don't know how all this 'history' really relates, but there you go ;-)

I guess the unfamiliar part comes in because growing up we never moved. In fact, my parent's still live in the house where my brothers and I grew up. Now here we are, after 8 years in our house, with 2 kids in tow, and we're moving out. I have to say our kids have been real troopers - preparing to sell/move, selling, and moving, has been a very busy stressful time for us, and I KNOW it has been for them as well. They have been handling things quite well, and I look forward to getting settled once again so they (and we) can experience some "normalcy" once again. Although it won't be the most "normal" situation (we'll be living with my husband's family while we recover from the sale...another post for another day) it will be better than the stresses leading up to our move.

Throughout the past few months I have experienced...

Feeling Overwhelmed...
Being Blessed...

It has been quite the roller coaster ride. We're ready to enter this next chapter in our lives, and ready to work towards getting to the next one. All in all we feel that we've made the right decision and that He will continue to guide us and bring us to each new chapter.

This first move is just a stepping stone...

Any tips or advice for the last days before a big move? Please feel free to share in the comments below...I would love to hear about others experiences!

Have a great rest-of-the-week everyone! I will be counting the days...

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