2012 Reading Challenge List - 40 complete
3/9/13 - Update coming soon...
The 2012 Reading List
1. Plum Lovin' (Janet Evanovich) Completed 1/27/12
2. Lean Mean Thirteen (Janet Evanovich) Completed 1/13/12
3. Plum Lucky (Janet Evanovich) Completed 1/29/12
4. Fearless Fourteen (Janet Evanovich) Completed 1/15/12
5. Plum Spooky (Janet Evanovich) Completed 2/9/12
6. Finger Lickin' Fifteen (Janet Evanovich) Completed 1/19/12
7. Sizzling Sixteen (Janet Evanovich) Completed 1/24/12
8. Smokin' Seventeen (Janet Evanovich) Completed 2/5/12
9. Explosive Eighteen (Janet Evanovich) Completed 4/18/12
10. Songs of the Humpback Whale (Jodi Picoult)
11. Harvesting the Heart (Jodi Picoult)
12. Salem Falls (Jodi Picoult)
13. Second Glance (Jodi Picoult)
14. House Rules (Jodi Picoult)
15. Memoirs of a Geisha (Arthur Golden) *
16. Little Women (Louisa May Alcott) *
17. Pride and Prejudice (Jane Austen) *
18. Songs in Ordinary Time (Mary McGarry Morris) *
19. The Risk Pool (Richard Russo) *
20. A Wedding in December (Anita Shreve) *
21. Still Missing (Beth Gutcheon) *
22. Sula (Toni Morrison) *
23. Spoken from the Heart (Laura Bush) *
24. The Princes of Ireland (Edward Rutherfurd) +
25. All the Pretty Horses (Cormac McCarthy) +
26. A Walk in the Woods (Bill Bryson) +
27. Stones from the River (Ursula Hegi) +
28. Jonas of Kiivijarvi: Finnish Freedom Fighter (Leslie W. Wisuri) +
29. Robert Frost: Selected Poems +
30. Treasure in a Cornfield (Greg Hawley) +
31. Chicken Soup for the Mother's Soul +
32. Just Give Me a Little Piece of Quiet (Lorilee Craker) +
33. Blueberry Summers (Lawrence Berube) +
34. The Art of Mending (Elizabeth Berg) Completed 2/1/12
35. River's Song (Melody Carlson) Completed 1/9/12
36. Heaven is for Real (Todd Burpo) Completed 1/20/12
37. My Cooking Class - Vegetable Basics (Jody Vassallo) Completed 2/13/12
38. Believe: A Young Widow's Journey Through Brokenness and Back (Jennifer Silvera) Completed 2/19/12
39. The 10 Best-Ever Depression Management Techniques (Margaret Wehrenberg) Completed 2/28/12
40. The Happiest Mom: 10 Secrets to Enjoying Motherhood (Meagan Francis) Completed 3/3/12
41. The Help (Kathryn Stockett) Completed 3/16/12
42. Lone Wolf (Jodi Picoult) Completed 3/19/12
43. Juicing, Fasting, and Detoxing for Life (Cherie Calbom) Completed 4/1/12
44. an introduction to MACROBIOTICS (Carolyn Heidenry) Completed 4/3/12
45. Eat This, Not That: Supermarket Survival Guide (David Zinczenko) Completed 4/6/12
46. Save Me (Lisa Scottoline) Completed 4/7/12
47. How to Eat a Cupcake (Meg Donohue) Completed 4/12/12
48. The Juice Lady's Living Foods Revolution (Cherie Calbom) Completed 4/16/12
49. 101 Ways to Lower Your Cholesterol (Shirley Archer)
50. Of Stones, Steam, and the Earth: The Pleasures and Meanings of a Sauna (Wendell Nelson)
51. Ben & Jerry's Homemade Ice Cream & Dessert Book (Ben Cohen) Completed 4/18/12
52. Get the Salt Out: 501 Simple Ways to Cut the Salt out of Any Diet (Ann Louise Gittleman) Completed 4/23/12
53. General Mills: 75 Years of Innovation, Invention, Food and Fun (Tom Forsythe) Completed 4/30/12
54. The Recipe Club: A Tale of Food and Friendship (Andrea Israel & Nancy Garfinkel) Completed 5/2/12
55. So What Can I Eat?! (Elisa Zied) Completed 5/6/12
56. Healthier without Wheat (Dr. Stephen Wangen) Completed 5/13/12
57. The Dirty Life: On Farming, Food, and Love (Kristin Kimball) Completed 5/23/12
58. Food Rules (Michael Pollan) Completed 5/16/12
59. Practical Parenting: the Counselor's Guide to raising the difficult child (Stephen Guthrie) Completed 6/18/12
60. Kid Food: Rachael Ray's Top 30 30-Minute Meals (Rachael Ray) Completed 5/21/12
61. Food Combining: Better Health the Natural Way (Rita Bingham) Completed 5/25/12
62. The Allergy Discovery Diet: A Rotation Diet for Discovering Your Allergies to Food (John E. Postley) Completed 6/6/12
63. A Time to Love: Quilts of Lancaster County #1 (Barbara Cameron) Completed 7/8/12
64. Gluten-Free Girl: How I Found the Food That Loves Me Back & How You Can, Too (Shauna James Ahern) Completed 7/20/12
65. Skinny B!t$h (Rory Freedman, Kim Barnouin) Completed 7/28/12
66. The Belly Fat Diet (John Chatham) Completed 8/2/12
* Books I started but didn't finish...
+ Books on my shelf to be read...
#'s 1-9: Finishing the Stephanie Plum Series