Saturday, June 9, 2012


(click here to read Day 2)

I've made it 3 days. THREE.WHOLE.DAYS! I am now about to begin Day 4.

I work up this morning feeling similar to yesterday, although not quite as stuffed up as usual, with a less cloggy throat (and my minor 'setback' is just faintly faintly hanging on in the background, but barely noticeable). I feel more energetic though - it's 5:45am on a Saturday...I've been up for 15 minutes...following a busy week...WHAT?!?! Maybe I am making some progress after all.

I mentioned to my husband last night, after explaining that I haven't noticed much of a difference in anything yet, that I hope this isn't all for naught, because I could have some serious eats going on. Then I described this recipe I came across yesterday that sounded SO.GOOD on Christina's blog -  Sweet Pea's Kitchen - for S'mores Bites. I almost whipped them up on the spot and said Good-Bye to my adventure. Most of the blogs I follow are cooking/baking/food would think I would take a little break from browsing them because I see SO MANY amazing recipes every day...BUT-I can't stop; I just keep adding recipes to my to-do list...depending on the outcome of my adventure, I may have to modify some, but hey-I'm willing to do that! Besides, I can still make yummy things and smell them and look at them...and then give them to my hubby and kids ;-)

I felt like I was able to eat so much more yesterday (because of the food choices on the safe list for the day), but I just wasn't able to keep up with my metabolism. I didn't feel like I was eating less than I would on a typical day, but I just felt more hungry overall than I usually do.

I was thankful to have fish last night, and am looking forward to pork later today, and turkey tomorrow. If I can try to eat meat earlier in the day, at breakfast even, then maybe that will help to keep me feeling full longer. I wish I would've picked up some bacon last night...bacon is pork, right? ;-) Naw, I'll try to keep it a bit more healthy than that. It's tempting though (I'm pretty sure a neighbor was enjoying bacon yesterday morning because that is all I could smell wafting in the breeze of my open kitchen window as I made breakfast...).

After Day 4, the 'safe' foods list starts rotating in things from Day 1, so while I will still have new food items to work with, the list will be longer as some of the items from days past will make a reappearance. Yay for more variety (especially looking at all the repeats on yesterdays menu)!

Here is what I ate on Day 3*:

Breakfast: Millet Breakfast Pudding (millet, water, pears, honey); Pear
Snack: Cucumber Slices
Lunch: Sauteed Zucchini Slices w/Olive Oil & Basil; Green Beans; Pears
Snack: Pears
Dinner: Baked Tilapia w/Olive Oil & Basil (simple, but YUM!); Millet; Diced Zucchini-Green Beans-Sauteed w/Basil & Olive Oil

*I also drink at least 2+ quarts of water throughout each day.

I forgot to mention in my last post that I have started to exercise a bit. AND I don't necessarily agree with people who think that chasing toddlers/kids around all day is a form of exercise. Well...that is just my opinion, and maybe for some people it is, but I just don't feel that it is for me. I'm on my feet a lot, yes, but it's up-then down, and it just varies so much. For me, exercise can't be stop and go-I need to go go go to get my heart rate up and feel the burn a bit. backyard has become my gym. Thursday and Friday morning were spent outside with the kiddos (and daycare kiddos) getting in some play before it got really hot outside. I spent 20 minutes each day quickly pacing the backyard walking around and around the backyard (which includes a bit of up & down hills), doing steps (like step aerobics), and I'm not sure what to call the other exercise I've been doing. It involved holding onto the handles at the top of the ladder up to the 'playhouse' and pulling myself forward and going backwards as my feet rock on the bottom rung. Kind of like pull-ups, except that my feet are on the ground and I pull myself forward (I'm sure there's a term for this, anyone? anyone?).

I know it doesn't seem like much, but it's a start for someone who does no consistent form of exercise. I LOVE.LOVE.LOVE to ride my bike, but I just haven't gotten into a routine with it, so I end up going for a bike ride every couple weeks. When the kids are older we'll ride together a lot, but right now we are still at the stage where it's easier for mom/dad to walk along with them while they ride their bikes vs. try to get in a good bike ride with them.

I will try to fit in exercise today as well. If I can start out small and then work up to adding more time and variety, then my body will be happy, and so will my mind.

Off to make breakfast now, as I start Day 4! Have a super Saturday everyone!

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